
December 7/8, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 54

Second Sunday Of Advent

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and welcome to all of our visitors.  

Sunday, December 8th after the morning Mass, will be Breakfast with Santa!  Free pancake breakfast and pictures with Santa.  Pictures will be ready in time for Christmas cards. 

We are participating in the Christmas Giving Tree program this year with LifeBridge, our local community family support center.  LifeBridge is asking for a $50 gift card to either Safeway or King Soopers.  Small envelopes will be provided by the Christmas tree in the church.  In lieu of a gift card you may donate a comfy throw blanket instead.  Please keep it a non-Christmas-season design.  It is not necessary to wrap the throw.  It can be placed by the Christmas tree. 

We are inviting families to decorate for Christmas one of the wood valances that are over the windows in the Church.  The decorations are to reflect Keep Christ in Christmas and your family chooses how to decorate.  No secular decorations will be allowed.  If your family is interested, please contact the office for more details. 

Monday, December 9th is the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This is a holy day of obligation, Masses will be at 9:00AM and 6:00PM.

Tuesday, December 10th there will be no morning Mass.

November 23/24, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 54

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and welcome to all of our visitors.  

St. Mary of the Rockies will again join LifeBridge food pantry in a drive to provide Thanksgiving food baskets to our local needy community.

$60 will cover all the items included in a basket for one family's Thanksgiving meal, but LifeBridge would truly appreciate a donation in any amount.  

Please make your check out to LifeBridge and put it in the baskets that have been placed by the doors of the Church.  This is the last weekend you can donate.   

Save the date – Sunday, December 8th after the morning Mass will be Breakfast with Santa!

We are inviting families to decorate for Christmas one of the wood valances that are over the windows in the Church.  The decorations are to reflect Keep Christ in Christmas and your family chooses how to decorate.  No secular decorations will be allowed.  If your family is interested, please contact the office for more details. 

November 16/17, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 56

Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and welcome to all of our visitors.  


St. Mary of the Rockies will again join LifeBridge food pantry in a drive to provide Thanksgiving food baskets to our local needy community.

LifeBridge says that $60 will cover all the items included in a basket for one family's Thanksgiving mea,l but they would truly appreciate a donation in any amount.  

Please make your check out to LifeBridge and put it in the baskets that will be placed by the doors of the Church.  The deadline date for your donation is the weekend of November 23rd and 24th.


Save the date – Sunday, December 8th after the morning Mass will be Breakfast with Santa!

November 9/10,2024

Janice Kraft 0 56

Thirty-Second  Sunday In Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and welcome to all of our visitors.  

St. Mary of the Rockies will again join LifeBridge food pantry in a drive to provide Thanksgiving food baskets to our local needy community.

LifeBridge says that $60 will cover all the items included in a basket for one family's Thanksgiving mea,l but they would truly appreciate a donation in any amount.  

Please make your check out to LifeBridge and put it in the baskets that will be placed by the doors of the Church.  The deadline date for your donation is the weekend of November 29/30.

November 2/3, 2024

Janice Kraft 0 61

Thirty-First  Sunday In Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Mary of the Rockies and welcome to all of our visitors.  

Reminder of the annual chili-cook off and silent auction after Saturday evening’s Mass.  Please join us for this popular event.

There are remembrance envelopes in the pews for your use to participate in the general Mass intentions for the faithful departed.  Please write the names of those you wish to have remembered during Masses in 2025.  The envelopes can be placed in the basket in front of the altar.

St. Mary of the Rockies Social hour will be next Sunday, November 10th, directly after the morning Mass.  Free breakfast sweets and coffee!

Liturgical Schedule

Daily Masses
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30AM


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM



Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45PM
Thursday: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
and by appointment



Holy Days
9:00AM, 6:00PM



Holy Hour
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am



8.30AM - Every Sunday before Mass


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