Janice Kraft
/ Categories: Annoucements

February 3/4, 2024

Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time 

The Parish Mardi Gras dinner will be Saturday February 10th after the evening Mass.  There is a full dinner menu with beverages.  $10 per adult, 8-17 years of age $5 each, 7 years of age and under are free. 

St. Mary of the Rockies Social Hour will be next Sunday February 11th directly after the morning Mass.  Free breakfast goodies provided. 

Ash Wednesday will be February 14th.  Masses with distribution of ashes will be at 9:00AM and 6:00PM.

Beginning in February the church office hours will change.  The office will now be closed the last two Thursdays of each month.  Week one and week two of each month the hours remain the same, Monday through Thursday, 8:300AM to 2:30PM.  Week three and week four of each month, office hours will be Monday through Wednesday, 8:30AM-2:30PM.

Previous Article January 27/28, 2024
Next Article February 10/11, 2024
Liturgical Schedule

Daily Masses
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30AM


Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM



Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45PM
Thursday: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
and by appointment



Holy Days
9:00AM, 6:00PM



Holy Hour
Thursday: 9:00am-10:00am



8.30AM - Every Sunday before Mass


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